Farty's Fortunes

I like to blog, but it terrifies me that I will say something to make myself look stupid, or accidentally incriminate someone for being where they shouldn't have been, or piss someone off. No, wait. That's why I blog.

Saturday, 31 March 2007

My Happy Place #2


apositivepessimist said...

ahh nice.

lettuce said...

Sigh. I should so love to travel.

Yes, it is hard. Thanks for your comment.

Thats a very neat underlining footnotey thingy you do. I might have to sneak a peek at your html. (would that be rude?)

f:lux said...

Of course, someone called Mr Farty would find being on a wind driven mode of transport totally relaxing ;)

Cat said...

My happy place is in the bath, surrounded by lots of bubbles with a glass of wine and a pile of glossy (but sadly not water-resistant) magazines. I am a simple girl, with simple wants...

Mr Farty said...

Apos - Can Lettuce use your underlining footnotey thing? Erm, I know it's a bit late to ask, but can I use it? Thanks ;-)

Lettuce - We used to dream of travelling too, just as soon as we won the Lottery. Then our numbers came up - well, 4 of them, £83 - and off we went. Still paying off the loan for the flights, but soooooooooooo worth it. For us.

Stick this in your template, near the top, just above <head>

<style type='text/css'>
acronym {cursor: help; border-bottom: #000 1px dotted}

Then put this in your post:
Here is some <acronym title="Hypertext Markup Language">HTML</acronym>.

F:Lux - But of course!

Mr Farty said...

Cat - Another member of the Soggy Book Club! Hurrah!

Pickle said...

Ahh, that looks lovely... Of course, after your last post I'm imagining a stinking, maggoty pile of rotten food buried under that bush, but still - nice!

Timbo said...

Ahh, tasty. I may have to post a similar thing. Take my mind off the pain.

Drama Queen said...

ahhh *bliss*. Just need to add a cocktail or two.

SpanishGoth said...

Looks very nice, but also looks like the picture was taken from up a tree. I guess after the flights you couldn't afford a hotel room (or of course, you could just be really, really, really tall :)

Mr Farty said...

Teeny - Thanks. I think.

Timbo - That's what a happy place is for. Get well soon.

DQ - Mine's a Kaluha Dom Pedro.

SG - Yup, I'm so tall my head's grown right up through my hair.

And yes, this *is* the view from the hotel in the post below. You wouldn't think there was a crowded beach between here and the sea, would you?

lettuce said...

thanx Fartmeister, looking forward to having a go with that. :o)

Drama Queen said...

In repsonse to a comment over at my place, me birthday would be the 15th. My post was written yesterday. When's yours? Will you be 27 too?