Farty's Fortunes

What happens in Vegas gets blogged about all over t'internet.

Friday, 6 February 2009


Eating the evidence isn't always the best way to avoid prosecution for shoplifting. Especially if your haul includes a mobile phone.

Motormouth Jeremy Clarkson has accused PM Gordon Brown of being a one-eyed Scottish idiot. As an idiot, I feel insulted.

If you accidentally send an email to everyone in your 177,000-strong organisation, it takes quite a while to clear 26,000 out-of-office replies.

A blogoversary is supposed to be a special occasion. Any suggestions for how I should mark my second one next week?


Misssy M said...

A naked photo shoot?

Mr Farty said...

Misssy - Are you offering to pose?

unmitigated me said...

some good scotch and haggis?

I've Been Mugged said...

You've stolen my thunder. I was going to do the 'Clarkson one-eyed scottish idiot' thingy.

Congratulations on nearly being two. Maybe you could mark the occasion by having a tantrum or something.

Mr Farty said...

MAW - Mmmm haggis. I'll skip the Scotch thankyouverymuch.

IBM - If you really fancy a crack at Clarkson, why not do it at Slebrity Litigation? Just pop a note in the comments here or there and we'll* sign you up.

* we = Misssy

Self & Co. said...

My son just turned 2 and we got him devil's food cupcakes.
If he had to eat evidence, it would just fall all over the floor.

Welsh Girl said...

OOh a party please! I'll send cake from the mountain tied around the neck of the loyal hound. Having said that I do like the idea of a blog tantrum....

Liz said...

Are you a Scotchman who doesn't like Scotch? Can I drink yours?

Mr Farty said...

Laura - Devil's food? Is that another Merkan thing, because the Latin name Theobroma Cacao means "Food of the Gods". Devil, God, same thing innit?

Taffeta - Oh, a party with cake sounds good! And can you put a keg of brandy round his neck too?

Mr Farty said...

Liz - We don't have any Scotch, but Taffeta is sending brandy...hurrah!

#Debi said...

I like your idea of making Banoffee Pie for all of us.

That is what you said, innit? :)

Mr Farty said...

#Debi - Mmmm Banoffee Pie... I am sooo going to make that.

*gets out pencil and starts shopping list*

And then I'll tell you all how it tasted ;-)