Scotch has a flavour
So. Yeah. I was asked to be the official photographer at a wedding in Dornoch this year. Cool, huh? See what you think. Click to embiggen etc.
Let rip by
Mr Farty
9:46 pm
Labels: Scotch facts, wedding
One-Sheet Bogroll | [−] |
OOOOH! Gorgeous. All of them. If I ever get married you are TOTALLY HIRED.
Oh wait. Me getting married: You can file that under Things Less Likely To Happen Than My Winning 17 Lotteries In A Row. Apparently.
But still! If. I. Ever. Do.
Oy! All those men in kilts! Fair sets my heart racing, it does!
Oh, and the photos are nice, too...
Great photos. Were they mine, I'd want to get that last one blown up HUGE and put over the mantlepiece!
If I ever get married again, I'll hire you also. Do NOT hold your breath.
Lesley - #proud
#Debi - I had a kilt on too!
Sew - They are a lovely couple, innit?
Tempted to block anonymous comments. They're just getting tiresome.
Very fine phots, sir!
Aw, thanks Sir B! Your photos and Liz's are also ace. *nips over for a visit*
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