Farty's Fortunes

Thursday 1 October 2009

Killing Two Birds

Remember me? I used to have a blog that I cared about. Then I got hooked on Twitter and let it all go to pot. Yeah, sorry about that. I'd promise a swift return to normal service, except I never did figure out what was normal for this blog in the first place.

So what has Farty been doing, I hear you ask?

[Reader: So what has Farty been doing?]

I'm glad you asked that. Helping Mrs F to babysit our new grand-daughter quite a bit, if you must know, but in between that, I was at a wedding Oop North three weeks ago as "Official Photographer", and have been weeding out the crap, balancing colour, straightening things up etc. to try and achieve something more-or-less presentable for the happy couple. Who are now back from their honeymoon and asking awkward questions, e.g. why is the sky blue, will the universe expand forever and does anyone still watch Ellen?

Any road up, at one point we were at the beach and Mr & Mrs M decided to make this pose:Beach
I think they're expecting me to add some sort of witty caption, but my mind has gone blank blanker than usual. Can you help?

P.S. Lesley, stop drooling, he's spoken for.


Lesley said...


I still have a caption idea, though:

"What a beautiful dress! Hers is nice, too."

This might not be what you're looking for. Let me keep thinking.

Thank god you finally posted. I was starting to get withdrawal hivey things. SHEESH.

Mr Farty said...

Lesley - Geez, that was a swift response, it's almost as if you've been stalking me (peeks out of window, closes curtains). Not a bad caption, I'll add it to the pile. The pile of one, including yours...

#Debi said...

"So, that's the best man way over there? You know, they may have got that name right. Hmmmm..."

Liz said...

Why are the bride and groom standing next to a giant tube of mustard?

Mr Farty said...

#Debi - Nice, I might use that one!

Liz - Something to spice up their marriage?

Laurie said...

What is that thing they're holding on to? At first I thought it was some sort of dog poop collection device, but it apparently has 6 steps which should be a bit more elaborate that dog poop collection usually is.

Wait! Is it a lifeline?

"Now if only we could get on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire"

(caption wouldn't work at all if it is a dog poop collection thing, or if you don't have that game show there)

Unknown said...

So, he's hanging onto a life-line on his wedding day!

Welsh Girl said...

I don't think anyone can beat the mustard caption. I'll give it a shot though....Mr & Mrs M raced to be first to the inflatable spouse...

Mr Farty said...

Laurie - Yours is the best, I've decided on "We have a lifeline, now let's phone a friend".

John - We all need a life-line.

Taffeta - You've been watching too much Airplane!

Badass Geek said...

"Wait. She's supposed to wear the garter?"

Mr Farty said...

Badass - Oh, nice! Thanks for dropping by.