Wednesday, 2 April 2008

Keyword Analysis

For those of you who like that sort of thing - and Statcounter tells me you do - here are some of the thing you like.

Happy now?


  1. LOL.....why are so many people looking for sexual things these days on the internet?

  2. Why are Lorraine Kelly's tits flashing? That sounds unnatural.

  3. I had to nick* the Meatloaf one for my blog. Very funny!

    *With proper props, of course...

  4. I'm sorry...braai? I don't like jokes where the vowels outnumber the constenants...

  5. Jacki - People are always looking for sexual things everywhere. I hate to disappoint; that's why I posted last year a picture of that hotel near the Eiffel Tower. Pervs seem to get off on it for some peculiar reason.

    Jenny - Especially for you, you can now see Lorraine Kelly's tits flashing at the top right of the page. I might move them later.

    #Debi - I've got an idea for another one. Try your own.

    VE - So you don't like this one?

    "I hear Beyoncé's shooting a new video in LA where she performs damn nearly naked. I'd like to be one of her dancers."
    "Ok, but you'll have to go to NY."
    "That's where the queue ends."

  6. I've moved the flashing tits into this post. Easy when you know how.
