Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Reader Survey

Dear Reader,

It has come to my attention that some of my hordes dozens my other fan is having problems with long load times when stalking reading this blog. Being a total blog-whore Ever keen to please my readers, I feel I'm going to lose some both of you if I don't do something about it.

But first I need to determine the scope of the problem. If it's just one reader, screw them, they should get broadband perhaps they can disable images or something. There's nothing pornographic interesting to see here after all.

So what's it like for you? I realise if you're reading this, you've already loaded this page and not clicked away out of boredom, but meh - I gotta seem to make an effort.

Should I use smaller images? How about if I put my blogroll on a separate page, or take the graphics out of it altogether? Lose the wallpaper? Reduce the number of blog entries per page?

Over to you...


  1. This page loads in the snap of a finger. A really fast snapped finger, belonging to Frank Sinatra or something...

  2. Fine here. More of a slow snapped finger, like Mel Torme.

  3. Guess I'm an eejit. I thought it was the damn thistles.
    And so, dear Farty, please don't change a thing on my behalf. Er, unless you want to add pornography to make it more interesting. But that wouldn't go with the thistles. Eeech! Oooch!
    Hmm. Back to lurking. Thanks for all the chortles and such.

  4. Loads like the click of a not as good as it used to be, slightly arthritic on a damp day finger for me.

  5. When I come here, the thistles load 1st, then a second later, the white background comes up so that one can read the text. It's quick for me, but for someone with dial-up, I could see it being a small wait. Well worth it, I might add. I might... :)

  6. the background and text loaded fast, the images slow but my machine is crap so i wouldn't worry if it's just me

  7. No problems here, the usual crap!

  8. I heartily recommend and endorse this service and/or product.

    (It's all fine from where I'm standing)

  9. What the heck you on about Mr Farty? LOL!!

    There's nuffin wrong with your frikken blog! And images add heaps of fun to your blog... whether they take a while to load or not! so don't ever stop!!

    My RAT GiRL comic is a pain in the arse to load... takes frikken ages for the images to open... but without it it wouldn't be RAT GiRL!

    And without yours... you wouldn't be Mr Farty! So If any one has a problem, tell em to shove it up their fire free arse :-P *GiGGLeS* xx

  10. What Debi said. it's fine.

  11. BOSSY / Honey / GiGGLe - Your blogs all take as long or longer to load than mine. Totally worth it.

    John - Sorry, but you should know by now that this blog is all form and no content. That's not about to change.

    Everyone - Many thanks for the feedback. I'll have to add some more widgets to slow you down even more.

  12. It's ok. Needs more carved vegetables though.

    Just a suggestion.

  13. Lucy - Oh! Oh! Halloween's coming up, I could have a try at carving a turnip!
