Sunday, 10 August 2008


Thanks to John G for the inspiration.

Georgia USA


Georgia ROTW


I wonder how many rednecks Merkans think their own Georgia has just been invaded by the commies?


  1. "Americans" / "think" - the words do not fit together. You should get out of Scotland more ;-)

  2. Probably more than I'd be willing to admit.

  3. And I bet they're all Rush Limpbaugh "Dittohead" Republicans. *sigh*

  4. Spanishgoth - Yeah, cuz it was the Spaniards who pioneered modern democracy, invented the light bulb, sent a man to the moon, and created the internet.

    Anyway, back to the comment I was going to make before I was interrupted with stupidity:

    The question is really how many Americans would care if Georgia was taken over by Russians. I think as long as they'd let us drive through to get to Florida, we'd be ok with it.

  5. Ya know, Diesel? You're the exact kind of American who makes all the rest of us look bad with your arrogance and snotty attitude.

    Doubtless you're the kind of fella who wears a hawaiian shirt, shorts and white sox under your sandals while shouting to folks because "Everyone can understand Merkan English if it is spoken LOUDLY enough."

    I live near Chicago - And Goth has met enough self-important buttwipes like yourself to know wherefrom he speaks.

    Sorry, Farty, dear - for Flaming in your blog... but such foolish behavior from my fellow Merkans makes my blood boil.

    *rolls eyes and sighs*

  6. And Diesel dear - he's not even Spanish.

  7. S - Maybe I should have said "believe" rather than "think". Some Merkans are real good at believin', they don't have to bother with evidence and shit.

    And remember, I have been out of Scotchland.

    Jacki - It would be interesting to find out...

    Sew - That went way over my head.

    Diesel - Bloody typical, stealing our ideas again. Next you'll be claiming the Merkans discovered penicillin, invented TV and came up with the idea of golf. Admittedly that last one is stupid enough...

    Sew again - Don't fret dear, it's only Diesel. He can't help being Merkan. ;-)

  8. I suppose it's only fair play to mention that I am registered Republican, listen to Rush Limbaugh on a semi-regular basis, and manage to get along quite nicely with all of my multi-cultural neighbors, even speaking to them in their native language. (Well, the Hispanic ones, anyway. I can't speak Chinese or Arabic.) All of that to say that it is unwise to judge people by their radio listening habits, political bent, or country of origin.

    Farty, I completely agree that there may be those who think that the US Georgia has been taken over by the Russians, but they are mostly those who actually live in Georgia. :)

  9. When I was teaching in Texas, most of my students believed that Dallas was the capital of everything...but they were mostly from Mexico. HEY!! maybe that's the problem...the majority of people living in the States aren't actually FROM the States and many can't speak English very well..maybe they just misunderstood the question....

    Hey Mr. Farty...let me know when the snarkiness has been turned down a bit on us Merkans...I deal with it enough where I live, to my face...reading over-generalized snarky comments written by people I'll probably never meet tends to make me a bit cranky. (I'll meet you in a pub or a sushi bar someday...I'm sure!!)
    Thanks, hon.
    ...registered Democrat, can't stand Rush Limbaugh but still don't mind people who like him as most of them are family members (but they know both the country and the state of Georgia!!)

  10. Farty, can of worms opened here!!

  11. John - Exactly what I was going to say!

    btw, wtf is Rush Limburger? I thought that was the mountain with the old presidents' faces carved in it.

    *saunters off, whistling*

  12. LOL @ Farty...

    You've no need to know him over there, my friend. To those who don't care for him (and that's why there's more than 1 radio station, btw)--that's cool. The only way I can listen to him is to remember that, most of the time, I'm pretty sure that he's speaking "tongue-in-cheek"...

  13. HAHAHAHAAAAAAAAA - Hilarious!!!!!

  14. Debi/Debbie - *sigh* <clicky> Right.

    Radio host = DJ.
    Married three times = fond of wedding cake.
    Right-wing = thinks Dubya is a pansy.
    Up to 20 million listeners = popular.
    62% of Merkans hate him = now who's being hypocritical?

    Lady - *bows*

  15. I'm laughing at this from America's heartland. It took me an hour to explain to my in-laws that this European country wasn't named after a state in the South.

  16. Shonda - Hello and welcome! You could have done the explanation faster if you'd just shown them today's BOSSY Tutorial.

    I suppose in the interests of balance I'll have to have a poke at my own country now...
