Sunday, 22 July 2007

Dude (looks like a lady)

I worry about LMF's boyfriend. Don't know why, exactly...


...he might be one of them, but he's definitely one of us.

And on a lighter note...*

Transformers the Movie Film opens in the UK next weekend. For an in-depth analysis, click here.

Go on, you know you want to.

Dude (looks like a lady) - Aerosmith

*Q. How shallow can this blog get?
A. Very.


  1. He has very nice ankles, even if they could do with a wax...

  2. lovely but I think he may still want to consult with Eddie Izzard for some fashion tips.

  3. Looks like a faggot to me!

  4. those shoes will give him bunions

  5. He's just in touch with his feminine side Mr farty, although perhaps a little bit more than your average metrosexual type..

  6. how on earth did he get shoes to fit?

  7. DQ: He exposed them to lots of flashing lights.

  8. Not much in the accessory co-ordination department, is he?

  9. He needs a little something with that outfit.
    Say...a snow mobile suit?

  10. Cat - I offered him my Veet, but he wasn't up for it.

    Lady M - That dress with those shoes - what was he thinking?

    John - Well I ain't eating him!

    Lettuce - They give me sciatica - they're size 5 and see I take a 10.

    Rilly - Metrosexuality is so last week.

    DQ - If you look VERY closely (clicky) you'll see that they don't.

    Brom - Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrggggggh! Been wondering wtf you meant all day and just got it.

    Mr. X - Christ, don't encourage him!

    LJ - Or a bag over his head!

  11. The sock rings really add to the overall effect...

    Does this poor chap know you're posting pictures of him in his girl's clothes on t'internet?!

  12. Shallow is good - no danger of drowning. Bossy loves you.

  13. Ah I see. The fact that he has tried to ram his feet into them is even sadder. Your daughter must be so proud.

  14. Teeny - He posted them first.

    BOSSY - *swoons*

    DQ - LMF still has this pic on her Face-Farty page. Bless!
