Friday, 5 December 2008

Science Lesson Update

I never know when to update an existing post or just write a new one, it's not as if anybody reads this stuff anyway, but...

The UK Science Minister has echoed the fears of the RSC 1 that science teaching in schools has been dumbed down, leading to ignoramuses and creationists finding their way into the scientific community.

In other news, scienticians at the Large Hardon Collider on the border between Switzerland and Australia have published a report identifying the cause of the recent explosion there thusly: "A flock of penguins must have flown into the intake valve. Probly. That or kids messing about with laser pens. Yeah. Definately not some new interns using the 17-kilometer tunnel to secretly test a new Formula 1 car and crashing it. No sirree!"

1 Royal Society of Chemistry - what did you think, Royal Shakespeare Society?


  1. Isn't ignoramuses and creationists redundant?

    Are you sure it wasn't Science Minister Lord Drayson driving the new car?

  2. this actually drove me to google "Large Hardon Collider"... Does this science minister Lord Drayson where a large, pointy hat adorned with stars?

  3. Heh. It's all downhill from here.

  4. Laurie - I was just reading an article about a NASA rock scientist, it had the following illuminating quote:
    "When I was in graduate school, a group of people came to me and proselytized. They told me Earth is 4,400 years old. I pulled out a rock and said, this is 4.3 billion years old and it came from this solar system. The magic of science allows me to know that through the radiological clock in that rock. They were at a loss for words."

    Laura - That sounds more like Rincewind the Wizzard.

    Cinn - What a depressing thought.

  5. Do they really call it the Large Hardon Collider? That sounds painful...

