Friday, 25 April 2008

Farty's Friday Chart #2

Reaction to the Global Credit Crunch

Jimmy Choo
Cat in a Box
Queue here

Something different this time - there could be more than one answer for some pictures. See how many song titles you can come up with. Extra points for originality.

No, not Let's Get Physical by the Revolting Cocks.


  1. Hmm.
    The first one - virtually any Beach Boys song...

    Shoe - Stiletto, Billy Joel

    The one with the fairies - Ina Goda Davida, Iron Butterfly

    Cat in a box - ummm How much is that Kitty in the Cardboard Box sung to How much is that Doggie in the Window.

    We are the World?

    Hotel California, Eagles (it has the words "check out" in the lyrics)

    last one - We all Live in a Yellow Submarine, Beatles

  2. is it;

    "Beers, Steers & Queers - Drop Your Britches Mix, Take ‘em Right Off Mix" by Revolting Cocks?

    If it isn't, it should be.

    Ooh, ooh, one of the other ones is;

    "Debbie Gibson is Pregnant With My Two Headed Love Child" by Mojo Nixon and Skid Roper.

    Where's me prize?

  3. First picture: "The Tide Is High" by Blondie

    Second Picture: "I Can't Wait" by Noo Shoes

    Third one: "Lost In The Garden of Eden" by Guns 'n' Roses.

    Fourth one: Errr....

    Fifth one: Errrr.....

    Sixth one: "Express Yourself" by Madonna

    Last one: "Yellow Submarine" by The Beatles

  4. #1 Message in a Bottle - Police
    #2 Those Shoes - Eagles
    #3 In A Gadda Da Vida - Iron Butterfly
    #4 Dunno
    #5 It's A Small World After All (1000000000 gnomes at Disney)
    #6 Life in the Fast Lane - Eagles
    #7 Yellow Submarine - Beatles

  5. BTW RAT GiRL Part 2 is out if you wanna go see it!! :-) xx

  6. Oh!!! SPEWING!!!

    My first comment didn't come thru!!!

    Anyways I wanted to have a go at this (LOVE this kind of stuff!)

    #1 - I wanna have sex on the beach - T-spoon

    #2 - I will survive - Pracilla Queen of the desert

    #3 -Forest - System of a down

    #4 - Whats new pussycat - Tom Jones

    #5 - It's a small world after all - Disney

    #6 - Number of items - Mariah Carey

    #7 - By the sea - Sweeney Todd soundtrack

    Thank you .... that was fun!! :-)

    *GiGGLeS xx

  7. I put the last one in so everyone could get at least one right. Or to see if anyone could come up with something less than obvious.

    Laurie - I like your checkout idea. You even came up with the same group as me.

    Mr H - I heart Debbie Gibson. *Sigh*

    Liz - I had a Madonna one, too. Not six, though.

    Marie - Having an off day? Have a kiss. x

    Sew - I'm going to have to listen to some of these, they're new to me. Snap! on six.

    Giggle - Interesting choice on 7. I like it.

    Toot toot!

  8. "arrgh! AAARRRGGGHHH! it's '10 items or fewer', 'fewer' - do you hear me?"

    (you should come shopping with me - it's such fun!)

  9. RG - "10 items or fewer than 10 items" is ok, but then it wouldn't be an express checkout, cos you would be spending an extra 0.43 seconds reading those extra three words. Do you take a marker pen with you to the shop's?

    All - Here's a clue: Where might you have to live if your bank foreclosed on your mortgage?

  10. 1) Echo Beach - Martha and the Muffins
    2) New Shoes - Paulo Nuttini
    3) ?
    4) Living in a Box - Living in a Box
    5) Mad World - Tears for Fears
    6) Shoppers' Paradise - Carter USM
    7) Yellow Submarine - The Beatles

  11. Cat - Thank fook somebody got Living in a Box!

    My own answers on Monday...

  12. #1 La Isla Bonita - Madonna

    #2 - There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. I know, I know, it's a nursery rhyme. But it fits the credit crunch scenario...

    #5 - Fly me to the Moon, Frank Sinatra

    #6 - Life in the Fast Lane, Eagles (oops, I just looked back and noticed that Sewmouse got that one - I still like Hotel California :-P)

  13. Laurie - I thought this picture would have been too obvious. Well done.

    So, my list:

    1. Living On An Island - Status Quo. Maybe I should have used a more obviously islandic picture.

    2. There Was An Old Woman Who Lived In A Shoe.

    3. Living In Sin - Bon Jovi. Or Living In Paradise - Elvis Costello.

    4. Living In A Box - Living In A Box.

    5. (Living In A) Material World - Madonna. Yes, I know the title's Material Girl. Shut up.

    6. Life In The Fast Lane - The Eagles.

    7. We All Live In A Yellow Submarine - The Beatles.

    Now I've got some new music to listen to, fanx!
